Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Update for Tuesday November 12 2013

Mom recovering from pneumonia contracted post hip operation.

Great doctor Yu at St. F caught it early and aggressively pushed heavy antibiotics which appear to have worked well.

Today's plan is to move her to a close-by SNF to continue physical therapy and recovery.

Off the IV's now and taking pain meds orally.

Pneumonia set her recovery back significantly (at least 10 days) while she recovered from that.

By and large the "hospitalist" position is a joke. While some may actually be thoughtful, competent, caring doctors, my experience is that many are complete hacks OR so new/young as to be useless.

Time will tell as re-admissions due to their substandard approach  continue to rise.

My strong advice is to stay VERY involved with your friends and family, visit often, ask questions and watch these vulturedocs like a hawk!

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