Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Had lunch with mom today at the Towers and she ate well. Beef stew and beef with barley soup.

So today, Tuesday, we went to see Dr. Prietto over at St. Francis for the follow up on her hip surgery.  Mom handled the trip well and Dr. Prietto gave a good overall assessment, he also recommended a foot brace to help when she does start walking more.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Saturday update:

Mom returned from her adventure at St. Mary's Hospital Wednesday afternoon and we had a birthday party for her. Everyone had a good time. Next day mom had physical therapy and then a weigh in. She actually gained a couple pounds, weighed in at 125.8  BIG improvement and somewhat unexpected.

Friday was a good day with mom actually asking for a newspaper and reading it a bit.

Saturday she had a good visit from S and Q and they had a good afternoon and a cruise around the premises.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

So mom was transferred back to the Towers and all went well. Arrived about 3 p.m.
Today was her birthday and we had a nice celebration with friends and relatives and cupcakes and flowers and cards.

The lighting in the room didn't agree with my cell camera but we'll see if other folks got better shots.

This is what happens when Cookie momster meets cupcake!  She did eat the whole thing as well as a good part of her dinner.

Umm yeah, she got some flowers!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday night update:

Mom was doing pretty well tonight, she was eating chopped food and seemed to have a pretty good appetite. She even ate dessert. Of course she is itching to get out of there.

I suspect it's because they won't let her have cookies among other things!!

Tomorrow is her birthday and we're 80% sure that they are going to release her back to the Towers for more PT and OT.

And of course, cookies!

I'll post/text when I know more.
Monday Evening Update:

Mom is doing better today, the lower bowel obstruction seems to be resolving. They took the NG tube out of her nose so that is great. They are starting her on thickened liquids, (soup, tea, juice and popsicles)


Possible release back to the Towers tomorrow or Wednesday.

CookieMomster has a tummyache!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday update; Dateline St. Mary's Hospital:


(above loosely translated from memory, YMMV )

So mom is at St. Mary's and the NG tube is doing it's work helping drain the old dead bad cookies from her stomach.  The nurse told me that the overnight staff saw two BM's so that is good news, means that the blockage is not "compacted" and should resolve in a couple of days. They are hearing bowel sounds, so that is good news also.

Physical therapy came in and worked with her and she was cooperative and stood a couple (3) times with assistance.

She's actually looking pretty good, good color, obviously uncomfortable but not as bad as last time at all.

Her friend and former coworker, Mariah, found her and paid a visit and she was very glad to see him!

Tentative plan is to keep her for a "couple days" and really monitor what is going on and then hopefully back to the Towers  Maybe by her birthday. If not we'll have some kind of celebration at the Hospital.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday update:

Not great news, Mom had to go to the ER at St. Marys this morning. She was complaining of chest/stomach pain and the SNF decided to send her to the ER.

Turns out she had a small bowel obstruction that was causing the discomfort. All other signs were mostly normal.

She had a cat scan and was finally transferred to a room there for at least an overnight stay.

We'll know more tomorrow, I saw her late afternoon and she was better but not super comfy.

I spoke to the ER doc and he confirmed the bowel obstruction, said she had a tube through her nose (which she tolerated well), and that she was feeling better now that the stomach was draining.

Plan is to wait for at least a day and see if the obstruction clears itself.

I'll update tomorrow as soon as I know something.

Basically the Cookie Momster has a tummyache!  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tonight mom ate nearly all of her dinner (slow cooked prime rib) with potatoes, onion soup and TWO deserts!  Not a crumb left of the deserts (chocolatey chocolate cake with peppermint ice cream)

She's been wheeling herself out of the dining room after dinner most of the way back to her room. And tonight she wheeled herself out of her room just for practice!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And just like that it's Tuesday the 7th. Yikes!

Updates for today and yesterday and the day before.

Mom has been eating well and is in much better spirits although asks every day to get out of there and go home. Still working with physical therapy to build her strength up so that she can get from bed to wheelchair and back again.

She gained another 4 pounds this week! The weight gain is critical to her recovery. She's up to 123 from a low of 111.2 on 12/4

I had her wheel herself back to her room from the dining room tonight, she made it a good halfway before getting tired. Progress.

She is completely feeding herself now and definitely has an good appetite. Clearly cookies and pie and ice cream are part of the plan!

Here's a pic from today.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Really hard to believe that it's already Saturday! Wow!

Had a semi quiet New Years, and belated Happy New Years to y'all.

Mom gained another 2 pounds and is eating very well. Usually 100% of breakfast and 70 to 90% of dinner. Last night she ate all of the short ribs, soup, veggies, and had two helpings of dessert. I believe she had some cheeses and crackers and juice at the Friday afternoon social.

Physical therapy reports that she is making progress albeit slowly. The weight gain should help give her more energy.

Yesterday one of her neighbors and good friend stopped by just after lunch and they had a nice conversation.

We called her brother and sister Paul and Marge and she had a good 20 minute conversation with Paul and then called Marge and they talked for a good 10 minutes. Very encouraging for all concerned.

 Mom talking to Paul
Mom at lunchtime