Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday update:

Not great news, Mom had to go to the ER at St. Marys this morning. She was complaining of chest/stomach pain and the SNF decided to send her to the ER.

Turns out she had a small bowel obstruction that was causing the discomfort. All other signs were mostly normal.

She had a cat scan and was finally transferred to a room there for at least an overnight stay.

We'll know more tomorrow, I saw her late afternoon and she was better but not super comfy.

I spoke to the ER doc and he confirmed the bowel obstruction, said she had a tube through her nose (which she tolerated well), and that she was feeling better now that the stomach was draining.

Plan is to wait for at least a day and see if the obstruction clears itself.

I'll update tomorrow as soon as I know something.

Basically the Cookie Momster has a tummyache!  

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