Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Saw mom this afternoon, she has a cough that started yesterday evening, nurse called and doctor has prescribed medication for it 3 times a day. Chest Xray negative. Other than having a case of advanced cabin fever and being cranky at the whole situation she seemed pretty good. Was very aware that she was having a coughing spell and was able to articulate that very well. Physical therapy has stopped as of Monday due to Medicare absurd rules (she still needs it but it's been 100 days since the fall, but she still needs it, but it's been 100 days! Can't you foolish mortals count? 100 is 100 is 100 blah blah)
Working with her primary doctor to extend that.

Special place in hell for medicare/insurance actuaries, 7th ring of hell and no waiting!

Try to update tomorrow.

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