Monday, May 12, 2014

We've been visiting mom semi regularly, Scott and Quinn usually on Wednesdays and Saturdays and she is doing pretty well. The in house physical therapist returned from vacation and has been working with mom and tht is helping. Supposed to be another one from insurance coming this week possibly.

I've been working with her doctors to get her medication list titrated down to a more manageable level as well as cutting her assistance fees down based on a lot of factors. Was able to get almost 40% reduction in fees after two rounds of negotiation. $$$$ saved.

Mom had a couple visitors on Saturday, Mariah brought her the biggest Mothers day card ever and some Iris's. Scott and Quinn were there and took her out into the sunshine.

Apparently she has been going out and sitting in the sun with her caregivers which she likes a lot.

Yesterday we had Mothers Day brunch and both had eggs. Mom had an omelet with avocado that she completely finished. I have been eating eggs every day for two months cause that is basically what slides down my choked up gullet easily.

Here are some pics.

Mom and Scott enjoying the sun on Saturday

Here's one from Mothers day

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