Friday, April 10, 2015

See, time just flies and flies and flies and all of a sudden it's nearly a month since my last post. Image result for time flies

Not to say that I've had nuttin to say. Cause, well, I always do.

Just taking the time to sit down and rehash the ongoing struggle to keep ahead of moms health issues is pretty draining and so it gets put off and put off and yep, a month is almost gone.
 Image result for circling the drain

Moms arm has completely healed, stitches out and it healed nicely. Disaster averted. Must be the clean living. Hard to argue with that when you have Marge at 91, Mom at 90, and Herb at 89! Little brother Paul at 75!  OMG. Speaks volumes when you realize that they all smoked heavily but all quit 25 to 30 years ago. Speaks volumes when you realize that they all smoked heavily but all quit 25 to 30 years ago.

That being said I do have two physical therapists coming over to work with her. Josh comes on Mondays and Fridays and spends an hour each time going through the same basic set of exercises that she was doing while at the Coventry. Emphasis on fall prevention and balance/mobility.
Enrico comes once a week and works on walking with her and basic fall prevention/safety protocols.

We have been having regular visits from Olive the cat from next door. Great cat. LOVES moms place. The neighbors leave their door open for Olive to roam and moms door is open often so Olive invites herself in.

So we had a nice small family gathering at Marge's house for Easter, just 8 of us. That was pretty much the right amount of folks excepting missing Brian who was home recovering/recuperating from some on the job physical stress. 

Quinn and I had taken mom for a test drive up and down the stairs at her apartment on Saturday and while successful, it was an ordeal.
Basically we told mom, either you make it up the stairs at Marge's OR you stay home and we bring you a plate of food and some dessert. Motivated, she made the journey. Enjoyed herself a bunch.

Quinn and Scott set a mean table of ham and asparagus with crack infused scalloped/cheesey potatoes. OMG GOOD!!  We had hot cross buns from Schuberts Bakery (Cause, duh! It's Easter!)

And a cute lil Easter Egg/Carrot Cake from Sweet Things with ice cream for dessert.

More pics later.

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