Saturday, May 16, 2015

As one of my utmost favorite characters on a TV show says


If you don't know who/aren't watching/haven't watched I am sorry for you. You are not fulfilling your potential, cause this show may be the funniest ever.

So basically the above was my way of saying, WOW I've been away for a while now. Time apparently flies when you're trying to drain the swamp whilst the alligators are biting you in the ass!
Mom's day was last weekend, and it was somewhat of a working day for Gipetto, Tuesday, and your author.

The cousins were on an adjusted schedule as they prepared for their well deserved vacation to the Caribbean.  So Quinn helped mom (and herself) to a shower/hairwash with accompanying optional operator bath thrown in. Can only imagine her saying HUH? while turning to look at Quinn with a loaded Water Pik Shower Handle. YIKES!

 So we had to invoke the hair dryer in the ol living room trick and mom had some more fun

 So we had a mini family reunion via smart phone. I sent Paul and Susan a pic of mom, and they responded with pics of Paul and Tommy, Susan, David and Michelle. I then sent those pics over to Scott and Quinn who had gone over to Marges and they were able to share those pics on their phone with Marge, who was real happy to see the pics!

Amazingly that's the whole family up there in Washington, Mothers day at David and Michelles in SeaTown. Cathy David Paul Susan Michelle Tommy. Very Cool!

Reports already surfacing are that Scotto was en route to Blotto at the Bacardi factory tour.

Cool thing about partying on a Carribean Island. No real downside unless you are stoopid enuf to rent a car.

Today I came back upstairs from doing laundry at moms and waiting  the bedroon was good ol Olive Oil the neighbor cat.

I had seen her earlier as Helen had the door open for cat roaming, but her door was closed and Lil Orphan Olive was chillin in Mom's bedroom.

What me Worry?

Terribly funny cat!

Knocked on door with cat in hand and asked Helen if she wanted to buy a cat!

 She thought Olive had come back in the house. Another breakout thwarted!

Important cat questions

More later.....Fading Fast

1 comment:

  1. Well, Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the Mommies taking care of the Aunties/Mom's in the spirit of MaMer (aka Gloria), in Cali and WA. Picturing possible mishaps with water, cats, and hair dryers, skillfully side-stepped by Mrs. Gippetto. Happy Vacations to M&M G., & Di & Bri, too.
