Friday, June 12, 2015


Just Sayin

So a Poll for the two or three people out there who read this blog.

Stoopidest commercials......  Dish Network... OR Geico
I mean if something "might" be funny once, even twice, Do you really think cramming that crap down our throats over and over and over ad nausea will increase your market share? REALLY?
I mean, big boobs and a horse that blathers on, then mix in a goat. Hell yeh, that makes me want to switch cable providers NOW....... NOT

Some of the better ones.... AT&T starring Lily!
More of the good ones tomorrow.
The Plenti commercial with all the crazy objects singing So Happy Together by the Turtles

1 comment:

  1. Rats selling sandwiches? Dancing rapping rats selling cars? Still don't get the horse/goat. Geico insures battleships??
    I am grabing tissues in the new Kleenex - curvy boy offering comfort to little girl.Of course I read you!
