Friday, December 23, 2016

NOT her best picture, but sitting up in the wheelchair is progress! 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy upcoming New Year!

Prayers and good thoughts very appreciated!
I hear the term Life Happens a lot.

I've been made aware of that in spades these past few years, starting 3 years ago this week when I was diagnosed with cancer.

Since then several of my friends and a couple relatives have been diagnosed and 5 of 7 have made it through. RIP to Gene and Debra.

I'm sure there are more, it's one of those diseases that people don't talk about a lot unless it directly affects them.

Stay healthy, get checked up, see your doctors sooner rather than later. Of the 5 survivors, the one thing we shared was catching it early. Paid HUGE dividends!

The other telling stat is that 3 of those 5 were non smokers, 1 had quit a long while back, one hadn't.

ALL of the doctors said our chances of kicking the little bitch cancers ass was 30% higher having never smoked. That's a hell of a return on that investment!  Just Sayin!


Now that the public safety announcement is out of the way time for current events.

Some of you know, but most don't, that Mom fell a couple Wednesdays ago and broke multiple ribs!

Apparently she must have been feeling frisky and decided to leave the wheelchair in the kitchen and saunter across the living room with her walker and nobody to watch her.

That proved to be a very bad choice indeed! 

She managed to break several (count unsure, between 3, 5, and 8) 

She pressed the Alert 1 button and help was on the way. Paras took her to her hospital of choice St. Francis where she was admitted and stayed 4-5 days.  Of course the hospital was itching to get her out so they started pushing to send her to a SNF. (word to the wise when dealing with hospitals, SNF's, insurance companies, etc.) STAY on top of it!  ADVOCATE for your loved ones, get names of people who can make changes, get names of case managers, social workers, etc.

We finally got her admitted to Golden Gate Rehab Center (on Pine at Divisadero) basically 2nd choice of 4 or 5 options in the city that her insurance approved of.

The staff there is great!  Very Caring, seem competent. She's on pureed food right now to lessen any possibility of aspiration induced pneumonia. (A concern with being in bed with busted ribs and compromised breathing)

Yes I know you'll be surprised that she's basically miserable, but today I was pleasantly surprised when I visited and had dinner with her. She was the most lucid she has been in the past couple weeks, and talkative. She had spent much of the day sitting up in the wheelchair (good!) as opposed to laying in bed all day (Bad!) She had better color and had been off the oxygen for a few hours which showed that she was breathing better.

More later.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Okay Okay,  It is IMPOSSIBLE that it has been three months since I added anything here.

Typically this is due to some sort of time warp or an anomaly an the time space continuum.

Nothing else could explain it. Well except work, work, overtime, dogsitting, and keeping up with the old folks.

I have been reading a lot (at breaks, lunch, in the bath, before nodding off for the night.

Absolute Hits I've read in the last month.

City of Thieves

The Tender Bar

Red Notice

The Blackhouse

Wolf Totem


Reading the 2nd in the trilogy by Peter May    The Lewis Man

We've had a couple of family events lately and thankfully NO Drama!

I took a trip out to my maybe favorite breakfast place out on Noriega and 46th in mid January during some pretty stormy weather. Was standing a couple blocks away from the ocean and took this picture with my phone. SERIOUS waves!   

Then walked down to the beach for a closer (but still safe distance away) look.

I (we) just don't get out to the beach enough. Mid new years resolution. Change that.

More later.  I'll try to get back much sooner.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Sometimes it just seems like time flies so quickly, well, when you're having fun. OR NOT

Thing is, I seriously JUST got a free few minutes to update the old blog.

Music links tomorrow maybe. Tune in.

1st hint....   ANDRA DAY

Inspired by a conversation with an acquaintance/friend that I met at a doctors office.

We were talking about a wide range of subjects while waiting for the doctor to free up, got onto music, and she used a phrase that I hadn't heard before but found instantly intriguing/funny/darkly snarky but respecting the utter-er I have to give benefit of the doubt.  Just the slightest bit eclectic but still has me repeating it over and over. (in my mind as opposed to babbling even more incoherently than usual)

By now, some folks are like WHAT WHAT Just tell us for god's sake, others are like jeez, here he goes again, while true believers are like, Well he HAS had a couple of good ideas and turned a phrase or two his own self so please, spill the beans!!

In a minute, in a minute.

I'm enamored by etymology, especially of phrases. where did they come from, secondary meanings, speaking entendre-ly

Oh yeah, I love to make up words also. Soo me.

I agree, taking a loooonnnnnngggggg time to even come close to making sense.

The phrase was "Put on a shirt with buttons and get a clue" in reference to musical taste, implying that Some people, who listened to Some music, were dangerously close maybe approaching the great unwashed.


Christmas Updates

Thanksgiving and Christmas pics

And some pics of the crummy view from "The Compound"


If only there was something to eat around there

That's some serious scalloped cheese infused tatos there. OMG good.
