Saturday, January 28, 2017

Just posted a couple drafts that had been languishing in the "draft" stage. Belatedly
A quick one after watching a rerun of Code Black titled Unfinished Business (aired 1/11/17)

In addition to being a great show, with a great cast, this episode was amazing on many deep levels and only becomes clear (as well as life affirming) at the end.

An incredible rendition of Coldplays hit Fix You with accompaniment by a choir
 Best episode all season, maybe best in both seasons.

Merry Upcoming Christmas to All, Happy Holidays as well!

Going to try to be a more persistent/consistent blogger this next year.

Looking forward to Christmas in Tiburon tomorrow. Sadly, mom can't join us as she is not a good candidate for travel right now due to the broken ribs. We'll miss her and toast her!


Want to share some new music, some great, some odd, some eclectic, some stunning. You check em out and decide for yourselves.

The order might just be the most recently discovered.

Love is All by The Tallest Man On Earth 
I recently caught this at the end of a tv show when I remember which one I'll tell ya. File under Eclectic, reminiscent of early Dylan.

O Superman by Laurie Anderson
File under Eclectic, VERY Eclectic!  Haunting!

Nasty Letter by Otis Taylor
From the Shooter soundtrack
Great movie, better song
File under DAMNNNNN that guy can play!

Christmas Won't be the Same Without You by the Same White T's
I like the harmonies a bunch. We need a nice Christmas Song.....Right??

 Say Goodbye by Beck
Interesting song, can't remember where I heard it. But hey, Beck is ...BECK!

Voodoo in My Blood by Massive Attack, Young Fathers
NOT for the faint of heart, but nice little wacko mini movie. Loved the sound.

All for now more later, books to come as well as shows I doubt you watch, (but you SHOULD)

I visited Mom today at Golden Gate Rehab, she was in relatively good spirits, she's still a bit confused about a couple of things, I suspect defense mechanisms to be a cause of this.

I brought some family photos which she liked a lot.

Her hair was nicely brushed

So she's not thrilled with the changes but I think she understands that it needed to happen.

Meanwhile the family is kicking butt cleaning, moving, re purposing everything from furniture to photos. The wonder twins Scott and Quinn are doing miracle work at the apartment on their days *off*

Friday, January 27, 2017

So we're all working on packing and distributing moms stuff to family and the cancer society. She just has too much stuff. She's at the Golden Gate rehabilitation center and healing, slowly but surely. But she will need 24 hour care going forward. While she's likely spunky enough to go home at some point, she just can't be left alone for long periods due to her propensity to fall and the potential to hurt herself even worse.

She's probably somewhat bionic, however not infallible.

What we're discovering, aside from her being just shy of a well organized hoarder, is the amazing collection of things to make things, fix things, create things. I always new that she was creative, growing up with things she had made, from tin can trees, to easter egg trees, to paintings, to all of the holiday decorations, to the collections of rebuilt Barbie's. 

What I noticed when packing up her tools is how many tools she has that I sell on a daily basis to hundreds of San Franciscans at my job. The only thing she was missing is a workbench in a little shop.

Pretty sure where I got my proclivity to take apart and repair things that has been one of my

raison d'être most of my life. Both my folks were somewhat handy but mom really takes the cake.



Wednesday, January 18, 2017

So Mom had a birthday last Sunday!  Yep, 92 years young.

Satisfied with her lung power despite 8 broken ribs, mom smiles at the job well done.

We celebrated at the nursing home/rehabilitation center where she is recovering from her big fall.

Good celebration which everyone enjoyed. Great company, Marge, Herb, Scott, Quinn, and well wishes from relatives all around. Paul called but we couldn't connect, but we sent pics to him and he returned best wishes.

Caught a couple of pics of the nonagenarians enjoying the cheesecake/birthday cake.

 A good time was had by all.