Friday, January 27, 2017

So we're all working on packing and distributing moms stuff to family and the cancer society. She just has too much stuff. She's at the Golden Gate rehabilitation center and healing, slowly but surely. But she will need 24 hour care going forward. While she's likely spunky enough to go home at some point, she just can't be left alone for long periods due to her propensity to fall and the potential to hurt herself even worse.

She's probably somewhat bionic, however not infallible.

What we're discovering, aside from her being just shy of a well organized hoarder, is the amazing collection of things to make things, fix things, create things. I always new that she was creative, growing up with things she had made, from tin can trees, to easter egg trees, to paintings, to all of the holiday decorations, to the collections of rebuilt Barbie's. 

What I noticed when packing up her tools is how many tools she has that I sell on a daily basis to hundreds of San Franciscans at my job. The only thing she was missing is a workbench in a little shop.

Pretty sure where I got my proclivity to take apart and repair things that has been one of my

raison d'être most of my life. Both my folks were somewhat handy but mom really takes the cake.



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