Thursday, February 2, 2017


That's a Mom update.  So I visited yesterday and met Quinn also coming for  visit. Mom was with the Occupational therapist and they were practicing walking with the walker.

This is good. Mom's ribs (from all appearances) are healing. She has lost some weight since arriving, doesn't like the food. DUH!

However she has progressed from primarily pureed food to the next step which is called "mechanical soft" Basically chopped rather than pureed. Heading in the right direction. Last nights dinner was a Hamburger and Tater tots. The hamburger itself was chopped and was less than ideally appetizing though the tater tots were fine. I convinced her to eat about half of the burger and all of the tater tots.

I took that occasion to track down the speech therapist and had a long talk with her. She is the person that gives the okay to move from pureed to mechanical soft to steak and eggs. She agreed that she will work with the insurance/medicare to reinstate the third discipline so that she can work with mom again and get her heading towards solid foods. At that point we could actually bring her a real burger, or some of the Colonels best chicken. YAY!    Image result for yay meme

BTW the perverse health care system medicare decided that once mom had "plateaued" they would reduce therapy to only two disciplines of the three (PT, OT, ST) so they abruptly cancelled speech therapy. The mental mediocracy of the insurance providers rears it's ugly head again. So the Speech therapist and I discussed having OT pull back (since they overlap with PT) to allow ST to get back in the game. The people who make these decisions at Hill/medicare/HealthNet are condemned to a lifetime in the ninth circle of Hell!

 Image result for medicare go to hell

That's my two cents.And I have A LOT of experience with this.

On a Second Front.....   Image result for second front   Aunt Marge had a fall the other night and hit her head.  She is staying at Che St. Francis for a little more observation, she's a bit weak so they may send her to a SNF for a little rehab before letting her go back home on her own.

I saw her today and she was much better and in pretty darn good spirits. Strong chance for a full recovery!!  YAY Image result for yay meme

All for now, more later as news happens.

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