Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday update from Mom's place at Vintage Coventry.

Talked with her Occupational Therapist and she said mom did pretty well last week wheeling herself to lunch on Thursday, made it most of the way before getting tired.

She's going to work with mom on standing up straighter instead of leaning on the walker with all her weight. It still takes two people to get her transferred unless it's a PT or PT and they are usually capable of doing it with just one person. It makes sense as they are trained to do that type of thing and the regular aides are not really.

Spoke with moms nurse Sana, VERY nice and thorough, she gave me a complete list of medications and made an appointment with moms primary doc Dr Usman for next  Thursday. Basic checkup/review/reconnection and then we'll go over the medications to see what doesn't need to be in the mix and what does.

Battery was dead on my camera so here are some pics I took with the cell phone.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Yikes, Saturday here already.

So mom is ensconced at the Vintage Coventry and other than being chair/wheelchair/bed bound is doing relatively okay. Physical and Occupational therapy have each made a couple of visits and are trying to help/assist her with transferring from chair to wheelchair to bed. It's apparently a herculean task as she is resembling dead weight due to the time spent in bed the past many months and loss of muscle tone.

Going to evaluate after next week with the PT/OT and see if they think she can/will regaing the needed muscle strength.

She apparently only does the excercises when there is someone their to coach/cajole her to and then when she's alone she just doesn't really do that much to help herself.

We hooked up another tv for her to watch while in bed and she has one to wathc when she's sitting in the chair in the little window alcove..

Scott and Quinn were by yesterday and spent some time there trying to motivate her to move her legs (and by extension her butt)

The place is great, lots of activities, meals served in dining rooms from menus and what I have seen/eaten there was very good.

I keep promising more pictures and keep forgetting the real camera. Maybe tomorrow or next week.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Okay as of 1:20 Tuesday her new phone number 563 8894 is active! Thanks to Randy at AT&T.  The old number should/may be active soon. Just have another hour plus with customers service to get that done.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Wow, Monday already!

Due to the incredible incompetence of AT&T , moms phone will not be working until Wednesday between 8 & 8. Despite their solemn promises to expedite to get it done on Saturday, that was in fact simply a LIE. AT&T customer service is a fiction, fabrication, hoax perpetrated on the public by a unthiking, uncaring megalopoly. They are less than one nanometer above insurance companies and politicians and first in line for a one way trip to hell!

NOT on my Christmas card list!

(You'll love this, they tell me I should have started this process 5 days head of time!  I started on the 12th! When I told them I DID START 5 DAYS ahead of time 17-12  =5 all I heard was crickets!!)

Pretty sure mom went to an Irish sing along with Robin who arrived after I had spent yet another hour on the phone with Third World Telephone & Telegraph (aka AT&T)

I had to leave to go bang my head against a wall so as to record some progress for the day.

Maybe pictures tomorrow. Check back!

You know why employes at AT&T/ TWT&T don't look out the window in the morning??

Because they wouldn't have anything to do in the afternoon.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Okay now, it's Saturday and moms is adjusting to the new apt well. They have taken her to excercise class and to meals as well as helped with all of her needs. Scott and Quinn and I worked there today and got her tv mounted to the wall and got the phones wired in.

AT&T is the single most incompetent bunch of laggards on the face of the earth!  The people at the Post Office make fun of them they are so inept.

Despite starting on Wednesday and being promised after 4 calls and hours of waiting, despite their assurance that the order was being expedited and would be completed by 8 P.M. today, despite all of their apologies for the inconvenience (please hold) those lazy bastards still couldn't get the job done and dropped the ball while stepping on their $%^&*'s. (I'm sorry but you'll have to call back again on Monday when the three toed tree sloths trundle back into their caves and retie the tin cans and string)

The old number "should" port to the new phone, but with their track record, it might be safer to call the "alleged" new number 415 563 8894

Here's a pic of moms new bedroom.

And the living room

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Okay now, after a full day of cat herding we have mom safely ensconced in her new digs at the Vintage Coventry 1550 Sutter Room 208. Pics to come later.

She's in a junior studio all to herself, no roommates, her chair and lots of stuff from her apartment to decorate the walls and tables, lamps, chairs, clocks etc.

Her phone will be up and running tomorrow in the room.

There is a nice view of Sutter street and trees from her second floor window and the place has great staff throughout. Great facility, movie nights, activities, personal trainer. Great dining rooms on three floors.

Apparently there are 5 dogs and 13 cats living there also. We met two cute little terriers that live a couple doors away. Mom liked them.

The all important cookies are there and Scott, mom, and I had dinner and was quite nice. Order in a resturant style from a menu which changes daily but also has regular stuff everyday also.

Try to update with more pics in the next couple of days.

Monday, March 10, 2014

So plans are proceeding to move mom over to the Vintage Coventry, an assisted living facility a few blocks away to continue with her rehab/physical therapy..  This could occur sometime this week!

Address is 1550 Sutter between Gough ans Octavia. Her room will be 208.

PArking inside building, gate on north side of Sutter middle block, have to push button and then drive in, park, and notify front desk on 1st floor that your car is there.

We spent the weekend filling out paperwork and then moving a limited number of her furniture and pics and paintings over there.

She's been very lucid for the past couple of weeks and knows that she is moving and seems upbeat about it.

Our hope is that she cn continue the physical therapy and spend 1-2 months there at most and then return home.

Any visitors are welcome and encouragement to have her use the wheelchair and ambulate are greatly appreciated.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mom got her hair and nails done this past week and received many compliments on it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Visited mom today and other than the cough she's had for a few days she seemed allright. She ate breakfast and lunch (with some complaints)

We plan to move her in the next week or so to the Vintage Coventry on Sutter. A very nice assisted living place. She'll have a junior studio which should be fine for rehabbing. I've met the staff there several times and I think she'll like the transition to a place more private. It's NOT a SNF so it'll be somewhat easier to finance now that medicare has stopped paying. I think she'll benefit from the change in scenery and all that goes with that. Cabin fever had definitely set in at the Towers. We'll be talking with Health Net about continuing physical therapy etc.