Monday, March 17, 2014

Wow, Monday already!

Due to the incredible incompetence of AT&T , moms phone will not be working until Wednesday between 8 & 8. Despite their solemn promises to expedite to get it done on Saturday, that was in fact simply a LIE. AT&T customer service is a fiction, fabrication, hoax perpetrated on the public by a unthiking, uncaring megalopoly. They are less than one nanometer above insurance companies and politicians and first in line for a one way trip to hell!

NOT on my Christmas card list!

(You'll love this, they tell me I should have started this process 5 days head of time!  I started on the 12th! When I told them I DID START 5 DAYS ahead of time 17-12  =5 all I heard was crickets!!)

Pretty sure mom went to an Irish sing along with Robin who arrived after I had spent yet another hour on the phone with Third World Telephone & Telegraph (aka AT&T)

I had to leave to go bang my head against a wall so as to record some progress for the day.

Maybe pictures tomorrow. Check back!

You know why employes at AT&T/ TWT&T don't look out the window in the morning??

Because they wouldn't have anything to do in the afternoon.

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