Saturday, March 22, 2014

Yikes, Saturday here already.

So mom is ensconced at the Vintage Coventry and other than being chair/wheelchair/bed bound is doing relatively okay. Physical and Occupational therapy have each made a couple of visits and are trying to help/assist her with transferring from chair to wheelchair to bed. It's apparently a herculean task as she is resembling dead weight due to the time spent in bed the past many months and loss of muscle tone.

Going to evaluate after next week with the PT/OT and see if they think she can/will regaing the needed muscle strength.

She apparently only does the excercises when there is someone their to coach/cajole her to and then when she's alone she just doesn't really do that much to help herself.

We hooked up another tv for her to watch while in bed and she has one to wathc when she's sitting in the chair in the little window alcove..

Scott and Quinn were by yesterday and spent some time there trying to motivate her to move her legs (and by extension her butt)

The place is great, lots of activities, meals served in dining rooms from menus and what I have seen/eaten there was very good.

I keep promising more pictures and keep forgetting the real camera. Maybe tomorrow or next week.


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