Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Had dinner with mom yesterday and despite a bit of complaining she ate ALL of her chicken cacciatore,  most of her salad, and most of her mushroom soup. I had stopped by Boudin's and picked her up a couple of cookies and she liked the macaroon a lot. Gonna have to remember that place! Not just good chowder in a bred bowl. IT"S A bakery! Great breads, place smells amazing. 10th and Geary.

I heard from the nurse today after they took mom in for an eye exam. She'll likely need cataract surgery on her left eye (the known cataract has gotten larger) and she seems fine with it. Possibly end of this month. Can't really expect her to have a fighting chance navigating if her vision is compromised. I had noticed that she was having a problem seeing things, reading, seeing people at a distance so I had made the appointment a few weeks ago.

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