Monday, June 16, 2014

The good news is that mom is making good progress finally and seems to have gotten motivated to participate more fully in her recovery. She has been making good progress with both the wheelchair and the walker and we can actually talk about getting her home before the end of July!

She's made a big improvement and shows no signs of the disorientation that was present at the SNF a few months back.

Of course we'll have to have help come to the house and help her up in the morning and with bathing and stuff but it's a step in the right direction.

She's also going to have cataract surgery on her left eye and is actually on board with that! June 25th. I thought it made sense to have it done while she was still in the assisted living home and had their staff available for care.

I had lunch with her yesterday and dinner the night before. Here are some pics from those outings.

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