Sunday, August 24, 2014

Holy crap on a cracker it's been a while since I sat down and rocked the blog.

Mom got back to her apartment just about a month ago and it's working out pretty well with just one fall (slipped off the bed putting shoes on)
Her caregiver Lee was there and rode down to St Francis ER with her and stayed with her all day!


Moms xrays and cat scan were negative, no breaks, just some bruises. Got lucky. Then had a talk about "preventable" falls. To that end we have a physical therapist working with her three days a week for an hour at at time. Working on exercise and strength building as well as fall prevention and walker practice.

There's been some complacency and some backsliding setting in and we have to constantly reinforce the importance of moving forward.

She is eating well but we need to transition from too much reliance on frozen food and more on healthier fare.

Scott and Quinn took her on an adventure to Target and she had a fine time.

Mom's going to have cataract surgery in a few weeks on the other eye. Expect no diffuculties and clear vision going forward.

On the other front, Marge is doing pretty well after her visit to the ER a couple weeks ago.

More later.

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