Sunday, August 3, 2014

YIKES!  Sunday already. Last weekend we had the moving/going away party for Mom and wrapped things up at the Coventry.
Paul and Susan left for the wilds of Seattle, Bellingham and points north.Was GREAT having them here to help and for moral support.

We hired a caregiver to come and help mom 4 hours a day and she is working out real well.

Seniors at Home is a great outfit. Second time dealing with them and they exceeded my expectations.

Just when we thought it was safe, thought things were settling down to a dull roar, Aunt Marge had some health issues that required a trip to the ER and admission for medication adjustments and observation at St. Francis Hosp.


Her ankles were swelling and making ambulating difficult. Docs changed a couple of the meds and had physical therapy work with/evaluate her. They have recommended losing the cane and going to a walker for stability.

So not an acutely serious situation but concerning for sure.

We will be reaching out to Seniors at Home again this week to see about getting someone to come over and do essentially the same thing for her that we're having done for Mom.

Someone to do breakfast and lunch prep, light housekeeping, laundry etc.

Word is that Marge will be released to go home today and she has a followup doctor appt with her Primary on Monday.

That's all (enough?) for now.

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