Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Well here we are October 21st.


Mom has been doing pretty well the past couple weeks, she is eating more consistently after some necessary lecturing!

Uncle Jerry's wife Merede passed away a week or more ago at the tender age of 95 or 96. Wow.

Going to be a memorial at John and Marias Sunday November 2nd in Sausalito

Will be taking Mom and Aunt Marge to the memorial and with that in mind I have the Physical therapist Josh working on stairs with Mom. She is motivated and has been doing well. When she puts her mind to something her inner strength takes over!

The house in Sausalito is not handicapped accessible at all. 27 steps up and the same down.

I'm pretty sure I'd get in trouble if I wrapped her in bubble wrap and rolled her down the hill. But it's an option. &*)

1 comment:

  1. I like Option B - and it would be quicker, for sure. Gathering is more important than pain - with that said, do plan on ice packs for their backs and hips for the swelling that will ensue in 6-48 hours, making them unsafe to stand alone for the next few days. I do find facing the railing and sidestepping with the weaker/more damaged hip/sciatic/knee down first, opposite rail for the descend, helps to minimize the inflammation/aggravation/swelling/tweaking that will follow. Best wishes for a time of happy memories sharing, at a sad time - Robin Curley
