Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Well this time it's only October 6th and I managed to get back for an update!

Mom's vision is getting much better, too bad they don't have cataract surgery for the ears! Just sayin.

Or to get rid of/reduce thickheadedness!

Second follow up appointment this Thursday, I expect all will be fine, and yes we'll be taking ber BFF the wheelchair.

She made it through the heat wave, (which those of who live in the really foggy areas are just reveling in!) though it did take some intervention (as in I opened the back, ocean facing windows and then had her across the hall neighbor Anthony close later in the evening)


Now for the INFORMATIONAL/MY HUMBLE OPINION part of the blog.

Propositions 45 and 46

You'll HEAR tons of ads about "those nasty trial lawyers" (cynically poll tested pejorative buzzword) having wrote and paid for blah blah blah.

My advice..... Do a little critical thinking, study, read, and FOLLOW THE MONEY, look who is against the props and ask yourself WHY would the insurance companies, (Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Kaiser, Aetna, Humana) spend SO MUCH money on so many ads? WHY would they outspend the other side 10 to 1? WHOSE MONEY? are they using ?(hint, it's called YOUR MONEY, higher premiums, higher deductibles, etc)

The ads for 45 are just as insidious, although I do give them a little much deserved credit for not stooping so low as to dig up Pop Walton and fill him full of Viagra and Botox and trot his dead ass out to shill for them. (I believe they *tried* but just couldn't pull it off)

So listen LISTEN to the words the "NO" folks use, carefully, you'll hear that "state and local" entities are against these props. But they'll try to couch it in "all the regular one leg at a time PEOPLE are against these horrible propositions.

AND PROP 'E' for those of you in the city.... Well I guess if you love the NANNY STATE, then vote for it, but really, the crackheads who came up with this would legislate everything THEY believe is bad for YOU and POCKET the ReVENUE.. Today sugar beverages, tomorrow caffiene, coffee, french fries, hot dogs, where do they plan on stopping...... (Here's a news flash....They DON'T! Plan on stopping ) Please if you disagree, then convince me that say, a hot dog, or a hot fudge sundae,  is nutritionally better for you than a Sweet Tea, or a Snapple, or god forbid a Pepsi or Coke!

How about we just leave personal choice up to the people and let them manage their own lives without inane business killing laws like this one?



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