Saturday, February 28, 2015

And if you think YOU know how to have fun, well guess again folks.

I took mom to her doctor to get her stitches out Thursday and lo and behold, her wound was infected.


The combination of thin skin, bad nutrition, low water intake has left her immune system in not a great place to fight the infection. Despite regular bandage changes by me, Scott and Quinn, friend Jillianne, we're fighting against stubborness on a global scale. Think pushing a boulder uphill in a blizzard.

Have her on Keflex now with a side of zinc oxide directly on the wound and twice a day dressing changes. Hopefully the antibiotics will turn the tide. 

We had an extended visit from Olive the cat from across the hall today. Scott and Quinn and I were all over there with Scott fixing breakfast and Quinn helping mom take a shower and wash her hair. Jill had come over and changed moms bandage this morning. Team Mom is doing what it can and more.

The doctor tried to impress on mom the importance of staying hydrated and nourished to help her body fight off the infection.   

Any help/encouragement/visits to her would be greatly appreciated!


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