Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Well to say that time just flies when you're having fun just doesn't really cover it.

Over the past two weeks we've had a battle with not enough water intake, coupled with not enough food (yoyo diet) followed by both ends of the gastrointestinal distress teeter totter.


I did manage to steal moms shoes and take them out to my guy in West Portal and he did me a solid quick one day repair. SCORE!

TipTop vacumn AND shoe repair.  HUH?  Yep, left side shoe stuff, right side vacumn cleaner bags, belts, etc.

Moms weight is stable but not increasing (at <700 cal a day, no wonder)

Saturday she had a big whoopsie on the transfer from wheelchair to ejector chair. Quinn was there helping her, I was downstairs doing the laundry. Next thing I get a text and Quinn tells me to haul ass upstairs. Mom (you know, ol' fall UP a tree mom) slid between chairs and little sharp cornered wood table and left a whole hunk of skin from her arm on it.  OUCHIE.

Quick triage and refold of the skin, antiseptic, bandage and then a quick 6 and 1/2 hour trip to the ER in the Fambulance Junior for TEN STITCHES!!!

That was a ton of fun shoehorning mom into the car. OMG moment!

And in 6 and 1/2 hours you have the opportunity to meet a fascinating array of crackheads, heroin addicts, dumbasses and assorted other "challenged" folks.

Like I always say.... CELEBRATE DIVERSITY!

So moms arm is doing pretty okay, no infection, saw her doctor today and we'll go back next week to get the stiches out.

On a closely related front, her neighbor down the hall Jan, had a fall last week and although okayish now, spent the better part of 2 days on the floor in her apartment.

Fortunately Douwa and Victor were able to break in (many many locks) and called nine eleven eleven and she was taken to Kaiser. Got cold, caught a cold, went to hospital, got warm, YAY!
A week later, some tamiflu, rest, and she's on the mend.

Her niece Jillianne is down from Oregon and cleaning decluttering and getting the place ship shape for Jans return. Yes an Alert Pendant is on the way.

So yeah, been an exciting couple of weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. I know my son would really appreciate it if I had the sense of humor you have about all this. Just a big hug to you.
