Monday, February 2, 2015

Paid a visit to mom today and took her some Frittata from Mollie Stones.  Believe it or don't ....she had never had Frittata!

We discussed her fear of falling "Out of the wheelchair"  Really!  Can't make this stuff up.

So we did some tests with her sitting in the wheelchair to show her how stable wheelchairs are designed.

Admittedly, many times I think she could fall UP a tree. That being said however, if wheelchairs were really dangerous, methinks they wouldn't be insisting on taking you out of the hospital IN one.

Just sayin!

So test one, I pulled her up to facing the new ejector chair (so she have a soft landing if she could find a way to fall OUT. I told her to hold on and I picked up the back of the chair a good 6 inches. She still couldn't fall out.

Test two, I leaned the wheelchair over about 45 degrees and she still didn't fall out.

She had mentioned that she "felt" like she would fall out transitioning from the hall carpet to the hardwood floor in her bedroom. (all of a half inch drop!)

So to disprove this theory I had her hold on to the wheelchair and I pushed her down the hallway at about 30 mph and then into her bedroom.  She screeched a bit, but no pain no gain!  Then I took it up to about 35 mph for the second run and included the jog past the dresser and, well, she still didn't fall out.

So we are pretty much in agreement that the chances of her falling OUT of the wheelchair are next to nil.

Hopefully with some patience, practice, better diet, and excercise we'll have her doing this soon.

Well at least that's the plan.


  1. Crusader Rabbit in defense of fellow Wheelchair-er: because the front wheels turn, & are usually smaller than rear wheels, they rotate flush against a 1/2 " elevation change and throw a person to the ground. Jamie did it at At&T park, Tiburon Bay Walk, and rolling me into my house "wheelchair accessible". So now I wear my seat belt, we both watch for those elevation changes, and BACK in/out of door ways, street scoops, etc. Jus' sayin' - correct idea - not applicable inside her home. RED SKY SUN RISE! RAIN!!!!

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