Sunday, July 27, 2014

Oaky now, Mom is BACK AT HER APARTMENT!  Long Lonnnnggggggg journey. Since October 23rd 2013.

We finished the move this morning and moved her back just after noon today. Scott, Quinn, Paul, Susan and I packed up all the rest of her stuff and brought it over to Lupine.

Paul went down and picked up Kentucky fried chicken and sides for the troops.

Mom is using her walker around the house and is doing very well with it.

Caregiver is coming tomorrow in the morning to assist with breakfast, laundry, shower, lunch.

It's all a work in progress but we'll get it straight.

Mom was in the dining room at the Coventry today and was able to say goodbye to many of her lunch room neighbors. They said they would miss her!  We'll likely take her back for a visit in a week or so.

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