Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Went to Lowe's and picked up the materials for the railing we're going to put in the hallway to give that added level of security to mom as she navigates the hallway on her walker. The apartment manager is going to have his workers install. YAY!

Had dinner with mom yesterday and spoke to Joshua, the in house physical therapist. He's going to maximize his time with mom while she's there and work with her on walking with walker and transferring. He's very encouraged by her progress as well.

Mom will be getting yet another phone number when she comes back to her apartment. BOO!

AT&T is simply abysmal with respect to customer service. Horrible doesn't even begin to describe how bad they are. Nearly an hour to move service with a rep from India. PATHETIC! Had to ask her to repeat nearly everything over and over, followed by long periods of silence while her "system" was going slow. Third world, third rate!

Her new number, effective 7/25, "should" be 415 386 8355

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