Friday, July 25, 2014

So the July birthday/moms going away from the Coventry party is tomorrow at 1 p.m.

Paul and Susan are down from Bellingham and we went out to dinner with Marge at Osteria last night. Good times, good food.

Mom is in phone limbo due to the pathetic customer service from AT&T.

They were supposed to hook up her new phone and number back at the apartment today, supposed to call me an hour ahead of time so I could meet them there. Just shocked that they dropped the ball yet again.

Know why AT&T employees don't look out the window in the morning?

Because they wouldn't have anything to do in the afternoon if they did.

So she *might* have a phone at the apartment tomorrow, she might not. Certainly they were johhny on the spot for the disconnection of her working phone at the Coventry!  You'd think they wouldn't disconnect unless they were sure they were going to connect. But hey, it's not like we actually have to PAY them right, I mean it's a free service right??  No?  WTF!

I'm also pretty sure that when I call *customer service* tomorrow, they'll tell me that nobody who could identify a pair of pliers will be working on the weekend. It's not as if people use their phones 24/7 or anything. I mean 'AS IF'

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