Saturday, July 5, 2014

Well we took mom for an adventure today. Scott, Quinn and I met over at the Coventry and kidnapped her for an exploratory  journey to her old apartment.

We took her wheelchair and her walker and schlepped her over to Lupine.

All went well, mom is able to get from the wheelchair into the car fine and then we wheeled her from car into the elevator and had her wheel down the hall to #301.

She's definitely motivated and has progressed in her physical therapy as well.

Here's mom enjoying the apartment.

We had visits from some of her neighbors and they were excited to hear that she was coming back at the end of the month.

We saw her across the hall neighbor and his cat Olive, who was curious and wanted to welcome mom back to the homestead.

We made some plans regarding a new guardrail in the hall and we're going to remove some of the trip hazard rugs as well as put some carpet strips in the living room

Here's mom in the hall with her walker (at Lupine!)

We spent a couple hours all told with this adventure and mom had a real good time. We also had a visit from her neighbor Jan and we saw a couple other neighbors who were also glad to hear that she was returning.

We packed her up and got her back to the Coventry just in time for lunch!

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