Wednesday, November 5, 2014

JUST when you thought it was safe to relax!!!! 

Mom had a slip or fall tonight right after Scott and Quinn brought her dinner. Not sure what the exact story is but some of her favorite Paramedics came and decided she was just woozy enough to warrant a trip to ......Wait for it...... SF General Hospital.
Yep! A new adventure. Something about Mom maxing out her Frequent Flyer points at Saint Francis!  WHO KNEW??

Despite our general distrust/apprehension about SF General here in the city, the ER is apparently top drawer. I spoke to staff just after they got her and then the doctor called me about 90 minutes later!

No breaks, no bleeds and all seemed well. She wanted to go home tonight but the doctor and I pulled  rank. 

She WILL spend the night for observation and be released tomorrow on good behavior. Sit, STAY!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your humor about this nightmare of Protection Impossible! According to the various medios I have asked, St Mary's ER is their personal destination preference - just for future reference - Love the bubble wrap approach- but it would wrinkle he dress, ya know! Hang in there. Oh, yes: Amen on your Rant: Clearly there are a lot of healthy people who really can't be blamed for not getting it - Hugs around, Robin
