Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday update: Dateline San Francisco General Hospital.

Well they are keeping mom another day while they wait for a consult with neurology to see if they can get to the bottom of moms falling problems. (REALLY, I couldn't make this stuff up)

She's also going to be seen by OT and PT ....... GOOD!

She's on Floor 5D Room 1, Bed 1 and I'll post a phone number as soon as I get it.

I spoke to her for three nanoseconds and then phone went dead. If you've ever talked to mom on the phone lately you gotta figure it's 50/50 between phone challenged and craptastic phones.

Check this video out to see what I think of virtually all lowest bidder hospital phones. (And I have had a LOT of experience in this area.

So it only has taken till just now to get a call from the doctor to discuss mom.  (started at 9:07 a.m. this morning) 8 or so calls, three hangups, fun stuff.

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