Sunday, November 9, 2014

So Mom was released yesterday and I brought her home to her apartment. Marge and Herb arrived shortly thereafter and we all sat around and talked. Huh?? HUh?? What did you say, Huh?


The doctors and the neuro team gave her a passing grade, despite her not studying for the tests. They ruled out Hydro Encephalitis and chalked the fluid they saw as simply caused by age.

This could be germaine... Just sub Mom for Cats and you have it.

We are pretty much in agreement that the root cause of her falls is two or three fold. Fatigue due to bad nutrition since she came back from Coventry, Muscle loss due to simply not enough calories day to day, week to week, and poor choices relating to moving around and not considering the consequences and being more careful.

She's tired from the 2 days in the hospital and fall, but who wouldn't be?

I warmed up a piece of quiche from Marina Super and she scarfed it all down.

She did do better with Breakfast Lunch and Dinner today. 50/50 whether that becomes the norm. Would make a HUGE difference. But.

Feel free to substitute Mule for Horse.

All for now.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I actually spent 30 hours in the same circle - only mine was a 4 yo & a 5yo who hate their parents and each other for allowing them to get hurt (body slamming never turns out well, does it?) and not stopping them sooner (CJ to CR: you should have stopped me from hurting you by knocking you off the couch when I jumped you from the couch arm when you were wrapping your doll up and not watching out for me). I do think we just become more of who we have always been. Where's the designer bubble wrap??? XO Robin
