Monday, November 3, 2014

Well we had an adventure as we went up to John and Marias in Sausalito for a family gathering in honor of Merede, who passed away a couple of weeks ago at the tender/ripe age of 95!!!  RIP Merede.
  We had her hair done last week in preparation for the gathering...

It took some assistance but Mom made it down and back up the stairs (27) to the house. (So not handicap friendly)

JR helped with Mom on the way down and Maria and I got her back up the stairs. (THANKS JR and Maria) Craig and John helped Marge down the stairs and she was fine. Aunt Barbara was there and looking sprightly at 93!!

Craig, Gary, Christine were there with Christines daughters Megan and Chloe, Megan and her Husband Jeff  were there with their two sons Griffin and Mason.

Of course Mom & Marge had a nice time seeing the kids as well as the rest of the family (first time in at least three years, since Aunt Barbaras 90th birthday)

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