Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday update:

Mom had about 70 % of breakfast today, LIKES scrambled eggs a lot.

Physical therapy today limited by blister on left heel (Sleepwalking??)

Christine the PT worked with mom in the wheelchair and got good responses from her. She is MUCH more talkative and engaged today (and most of this week) and actually laughed at a couple things that Christine said and got a couple smiles out of her. Was real good to see that.

Lunch was decent though not enormous, kinda turned up her nose at the real nice chicken (I know...chicken?? WHEN does mom not like chikin??)

Dinner was major improvement! Got back there about 5:30 and they had already served her meal and she was eatin away!!! Was halfway through the meatloaf! (And mind you, she IS a meatloaf SNOB!!)

She ate all of the meatloaf and 2/3's of the carrots as well as half of the fruit cup watermelon. Also half of the bowl of scrambled eggs that they prepared specially for her.

She is much more engaged today and answers and asks questions. Night and day from last week.

A word of caution; if you visit after a meal you can expect that she will be on a low. She went straight to sleep after dinner and a linen change. Out! Snoozin. She was tired.

All for now.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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