Thursday, December 19, 2013

We had a nice time at the Christmas/Holiday celebration at the Towers. Attended by family and friends. Can not say enough about the staff and management at the Towers. Excellent and Elegant sit down dinner with several Christmas and Chanukah songs sung by the guests with Glee Club accompaniment. Tenderloin or Fish with whipped potatoes, creamed spinach, crab salad, soup, dessert.Absolutely top drawer.

Saw mom SINGING Christmas carols! WOW! Big WOW!

There were other pics from the table but as is often the case in large gatherings, communicating with individuals at the table to have them all pay attention at the same time for the picture is, well, IMPOSSIBLE!!!,  this was the best pic that didn't show someone doing some silly, embarrassing face.

It is a lot like herding cats, in fact just arranging and confirming the attendees was like herding cats.

People of a certain age have analog faces that are hard to capture with digital cameras.

Sorry for the folks who couldn't make it. We'll catch up with you soon!  Feel Better!!!

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