Saturday, December 21, 2013

Two day update here.

Friday saw mom a little tired from all the fun and frivolity at the holiday celebration on Thursday but she was participating in physical therapy with the team.

She ate between 80 and 90% of her breakfast (clearly her best meal) and then for lunch maybe 40%

Dinner was close to 45% and she was asleep once she hit the pillow after dinner.

Saturdays are always a little quieter (as there is no PT on weekends) so some boredom does set in.

Dinner tonight was a little challenging, the food was find but she was in a mood.

Ate all of her spinach and some risotto, a few bites of chicken (I know, chicken???) and a third of her scrambled eggs. She ate all the watermelon and then when I turned my back she had eaten ALL of the ice cream!

She was very lucid if a little combative regarding eating more dinner.

I'll update tomorrow afternoon/evening.

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