Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday in the city. Indian Summer in full swing. 62 degrees.

Had lunch with mom and then took her out to the patio and sat for 20 minutes and talked.

She was much more lucid and conversant than last night. More positive and also less negative at the same time.

I relayed that the doctors and physical therapists  and of course her family are all pulling for her and are positive about her outlook.

She's clearly not going to run any marathons and may likely continue to live at the towers going forward, but unless she made a huge turnaround, likely would not be returning home.

That being said, every day is different and she usually has 1 bad day a week, hopefully that was yesterday.

I asked her about wanting to continue fighting since the doctors outlook was positive and she said "well if that's the case it would be stupid not to try."

Other than a small bit of confusion, she is quite lucid. The discontinuing of the pain meds is starting to show results.

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