Thursday, December 25, 2014

And then there's the post office.  Really?? Really??

That's during the middle of the day!  The folks who were waiting patiently in line are like  HAS ANYONE SEEN ANYBODY??

Few minutes later we hear a lady say....... "I'll be out".  Not right out, not sorry for the delay, nothing.  Then she says "we've got a lot of mail!"

Mind you this is way before Christmas, couple weeks easy.

We all looked at each other and are like.... Really?  The post office got a lot of mail?  Who would have thunk it! And you can see they really ramped up for the mail coming in TO THE POST OFFICE.

Can't make this stuff up!

The Diamond Heights Post Office put this sign up a few minutes before they closed the doors FOR GOOD yesterday.

 This sign went up at about 11:50 on Christmas Eve with no advance warning. Probably one of the busiest times of the season with folkes rushing to either pick up mail or get those last minute packages out.

Coincidentally, the PMB Jensen's next door did a land rush business beginning at Noon. The Post Office was the ONLY business in the entire center that was closed. Heck, even the bank was open!

I just don't understand why the post office is always in the red!  I mean it's clear that Customer Service is their number, ummmmmm, 300th priority. Maybe.

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