Thursday, December 4, 2014

Usually this blog is not about me except to do some occasional venting.

But I need to do an update and ask readers to keep an eye on Mom and keep her occupied/entertained/spirits up for the next week or so.......

Well just when you thought it was safe...........

Turns out the disease ain't all finished with me yet.

My scans had come back negative and I saw my Doc a month ago. I had the beginning of some neck pain and we kept an eye on it.

In the past 2-3 weeks a mass developed in similar area and is hard and bothersome. Apparently pressing on my trapezius muscle and some nerves and needs to be removed.

Needle biopsy came back negative for disease but needle biopsies only sample a small amount and possibly didn't go far enough in or missed whatever. (Although I SWEAR I felt it going in one side and out the other!!!) *~X( at wits' end

So long story short ( I know, a novelty for me) I am having surgery tomorrow morning at Davies Hospital with my favorite doctor Mark Singer.

Going to take out a load of lymph nodes on the right side and possibly one of my jugular veins (eeeek, really?) they assure me that I have two and I'll be fine.

2-3 days in the hospital Davies Med Center and then home for a week or so of recuperation.

Got great family and friends support so I'll be fine.

Close by relatives and friends please feel free to check in with my Mom over the next few days cause she's a little worried. 

Good wishes to all and Merry upcoming Christmas, I'll be in touch soon.


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