Monday, December 15, 2014

The ME

part of the story is that I saw the doc today and he gave me a kleen bill of health (for the time being)
They are going to keep a weather eye on me and we'll do another MRI in a couple months (I'm really looking forward to that! Like a sharp stick in the eye.)

Turns out that the mass growing in proximity to the scene of the crime (the one they went in and surgilated a week ago) is something called Lymph Edema (technical term pending) and caused by the radiation (the gift that keeps on giving)  Going to put me on more steroids but the doc was completely satisfied that the radiation and chemo had done what they were supposed to and killed all of the cancer and that this was just collateral damage from the radiation mostly. So watch OUT!

Big relief (as in WOW the last year WASN'T a waste, they GOT IT!) HUGE RELIEF. For a few minutes I felt as though I was back at square one and the whole year and treatments were a waste, but in fact they weren't and this was just a slight detour and part of "surviving recovery"

THANKS AGAIN to F F F Friends, Family, Faith.  That's really all there is, everything else is just noise.

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