Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas Post Celebration Friday.

Once again we visited "The Compound" AKA "The MegaMansion" AKA Quinn and Scotts abode.  

Drove the Fambulance up with Mom and Marge in tow, they behaved pretty well other than two thousand "HUH?'s"                    

We hit A LOT of traffic (Stop and slow from Lake Street to just before the toll plaza)    

and so had some free time to call Paul and then Bridget for some familial verbal bonding. Was real nice because the SpeakerPhone eliminates 85-90% of the HUH?'s cause it's LOUD   YAY!    Big YAY.


Both Mom and Marge got to talk to Paul and exchange Christmas wishes and greetings, then we called Bridget and had a great conversation (she hadn't talked to Mom or Marge in many many years.) We promised to get together one day soon when she comes up to the city.

So we drove across the GG Bridge and it was seriously gorgeous day to look at the scenery.  

We arrived at "The Compound" around early 4 ish and had a nice relaxing chittychitty chat for a couple of hours then started off with YUMMO Crab Salads

before diving in to the OUTSTANDING dinner of Roast beef, Potatoes au Gratin, CREAMED ONYON'S, veges, rolls, creamed spinach, etc.

All in All a great family dinner celebration.    

Many Thanks to Quinn and Gepetto AKA PajamaBoy         AKA Scott, who just had shoulder surgery and was running on heavy meds. Fortunately no heavy machinery around.

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