Monday, December 15, 2014

Okey Doke, it's a week after and the news is pretty much good all around.

Mom seems fine and appears to be eating well, and working with the physical therapists. They have both recommended that she stays in the wheelchair when she is alone and only use the walker when someone is there to spot her!

     Like this 04182013_benchpressbwsamsherman0001

Olive volunteered but I think she's got an ulterior motive, I think she wants to make a copy of the key to moms apartment.  Anyone who doubts the validity of that statement just think about this.....

Ever hear the term "dog burglar" ??   Ummmmm NO!  "bird burglar" Nope again.  Just sayin...

Certain things are simply Truisms that over the course of time are known to be rooted in fact.

Of course the cats would profess innocence and likely blame a vast dog wing conspiracy. 

Unrelated proof of a Truism.... You've all heard the term "Going Postal" right?  Clearly rooted in fact, you're never heard of "going Kmart", or "going Macy's"

I rest my case, syllogistically.

       cat animated GIF

Occupational therapy was also over for a visit and gave us an A grade for the accommodations and safety improvements we've made to her apartment, from the grab bars and hand rails, to the shortened table and rounded corners on the kitchen table.

Many thanks to Geppetto and his stalwart companion (and brains of the outfit) Quinn!

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