Friday, December 5, 2014


Short version tonight. Cause I'm WIPED OUT.

Walking in to Davies this morning, I hear my name called out.. What?  Zut Alors!  It's my Doctor calling my name. In the lobby.

SO Dr Singer comes up to Quinn and I and after introductions he proceed to tell me that the MRI came back negative for cancere.

Christmas Filpping Miracle.

So he says we're going in to look around and get a good sample for the pathologist and look around at everything.  WOWSER.

So they filled me up with kookoojuice and I was out like a bag of sand!

Woke up I think a couple hours later to a bunch of strangers talking to me and I'm like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE and WHAT are they doing in my dream.

Seriously pumped full of kookoojuice.

Spoke to Dr. Singer after I got to recovery and he said they're going to look at 

They took me to recovery and Quinn met me there. She's so my BFF!

I'm still processing all that has been today and going to cut this shorterest but BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR all of the prayers and good thoughts. WOW if any of you doubt the power of prayers and positive thinking and well wishes form friends and family, well I'M HERE TO TELL YOU (note: I'm HERE) it SO WORKS!!

Scott married so UP and the family gained such a treasure!  Aunt Gloria is looking down and BEAMING A SMILE from Heaven!

I just woke up from a nap in the chair and going to take a longer one now.   kitten animated GIF



  1. So VERY VERY happy to hear all the great news!!! Sleep like a baby tonight!

  2. The kitten is just adorable - jus sayin

  3. I totally agree with you that Quinn is a treasure and Auntie Glo is surely beaming - but I think Scott is quite the catch, too - So grateful that Quinn could be there for you, Glenn. Hugs all around, Robin
