Friday, December 26, 2014

So we had a nice adventure tonight, I took the Fambulance out again and took Mom and Marge for a sightseeing/Christmas lights observation all over the Diamond heights/Noe Valley/Corona Heights/St Francis Wood/Twin Peaks areas and they had a nice tine, lots of               ooohs,


                      and HUH? What? HUH?                          

Six degrees of conversational separation! Yikes, when you mix in hard of hearing, low speaking, bickerson sisters and front seat back seat .....OMG


Anybody but family and I'd just pull over and kick their asses out.       

What? HUH? where's he going? What did you say? No not where are we going, where is HE going? What? Of course I know where we are! Where are we?    

weekend update animated GIF

St Francis Wood had the best overall displays but either they are cutting down this year or half of em turned their lights off as Santa scurried back up the chimney!
Saw this one of Grandma getting run over by a reindeer
       but the humor was wasted on Mom and Marge. Not familiar with that story.  I know!  SHRUG/WTF

WHO isn't familiar/Hasn't heard that song???????????????????

Just Sayin!


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